Fall 2016 Depository Library Council Meeting and Federal Depository Library Conference

  • Duration:
  • Date Recorded: October 17, 2016


Fall 2016 Depository Library Council Meeting and Federal Depository Library Conference



MONDAY, October 17, 2016

Depository Library Council Meeting Kickoff with Director of the Government Publishing Office and the Acting Superintendent of Documents


  • Davita Vance-Cooks, Director of the United States Government Publishing Office
  • Laurie Beyer Hall, Acting Superintendent of Documents, GPO
  • Scott Matheson, Depository Library Council Chair, Associate Librarian for Technical Services, Lillian Goldman Library, Yale Law School

Keynote presentations and 2016 Library of the Year award..

Date Recorded: 10/17/2016

Duration: 80 minutes

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Public Library Depositories: Preliminary Results of the GPO’s Study


  • Susan K. Miller, Lead Program & Management Analyst, Library Services & Content Management, GPO
  • Laurie Hall, Acting Superintendent of Documents, GPO
  • James Shaw, Dr. C.C. & Mabel L. Criss Library, University of Nebraska at Omaha
  • Karen M. Russ, Ottenheimer Library, University of Arkansas, Little Rock
  • Thomas Fischlschweiger, Broward County Public Library, Fort Lauderdale, FL
  • Teri Taylor, New Jersey State Library, Trenton, NJ

This session will present preliminary analysis of biennial survey trends and insights from the GPO. Moving from analysis to engagement, the Council will follow with a call for audience feedback, eliciting ideas and suggestions for LSCM to consider as it works to retain and even increase the number of Public Library Federal Depositories.

Date Recorded: 10/17/2016

Duration: 90 minutes

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Shaping Discard Practices and How They Affect Your Library


  • Marianne Mason, Federal and State Information Librarian, University Libraries, University of Iowa
  • Lisa Russell, Senior Program Analyst, Library Services & Content Management, GPO
  • Daniel O’Mahony, Director of Library Planning & Assessment, Brown University Library

This session will take a look at the discard process for depository libraries, including a demonstration of the new FDLP eXchange, and the implementation of the regional discard policy. How the evolving discard practices will affect regionals and selectives also will be discussed.

Date Recorded:&nbsp10/17/2016

Duration: 72 minutes

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TUESDAY, October 18, 2016

Making it Happen: Building Digital Stewardship for the FDLP in Support of the National Plan for Access to U.S. Government Information


  • Cindy Etkin, Senior Program Planning Specialist, Office of the Superintendent of Documents, GPO
  • Fang Gao, Chief of Library Technical Services, Library Services & Content Management, GPO
  • David Walls, Preservation Librarian & FIPNet Coordinator, Library Services & Content Management, GPO
  • Jessica Tieman; Expert Consultant; Programs, Strategy, & Technology; GPO
  • Lisa LaPlant; FDsys/govinfo Program Manager; Programs, Strategy, & Technology; GPO

This program will talk about new developments and lessons learned in building an infrastructure for the digital stewardship of Federal government information, including the release of new guidance for FIPNet Digitization Partners.

Date Recorded: 10/18/2016

Duration: 86 minutes

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Uncertain Future for the United Nations Depository Libraries System


  • Carlos Fernandez, International Documents Librarian, Green Library, Florida International University
  • Jim Church, Librarian for Economics, Political Economy, and International Government Information, Doe Library, University of California, Berkeley

Like the Federal Depository Library System, the United Nations Depository Libraries (UNDL) system is a network of libraries that received copies of all United Nations documents and publications in the language of their choice and according to their regional location. In 2012, Hurricane Sandy caused extensive damage to New York and the surrounding areas. Since then, the UN has not distributed hard-copy documents and publications to UN Depositories located in North America. Due to the shift to online publishing, the costs of physical production and distribution, and budget reductions, the UNDL has not considered a viable option. The new proposed UNDL model sets up a consumer-based relationship between the UNDL librarians and the United Nations through the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) iLibrary; this goes against the UN’s own Sustainable Development Goals, which rely upon transparent, ready access to information. The new model will disadvantage people and communities in areas without widespread and reliable access to the Internet. Our presentation will focus on this new disturbing trend in the world of government resources and depository systems. We will update the audience on the collaborative action taken by the global community of United Nations depository librarians. The group has prepared and submitted an advocacy letter and resolutions to the United Nations Publications Board and the United Nations Department of Public Information. The letter and resolutions describe concerns regarding the current state of the UN Depository Library Program and its future.

We’re Here, We’re Queer, and We’re in the Public Record: Federal Government Documents on the LGBT Movement


  • Jesse Silva, Librarian for Federal and State Government Information, Political Science, Public Policy and Legal Studies, Doe Library, University of California, Berkeley
  • Kelly L. Smith, U.S. Government Information / Urban Studies & Planning Librarian, Geisel Library, University of California, San Diego

The United States government provides a wealth of primary sources that can be used to document our nation’s stance on many social movements. In this session, we will focus on selected documents pertaining to the LGBT movement. Beginning in the 1800’s, we can see instances of sodomy and crimes against nature. By the 1950 and 1960’s we see witch hunts and hushed silence stemming from a fear of national security, along with glimmers of hope. From the 1970’s forward we begin to see several instances of a more tolerant government, together with a variety of backlashes, until we arrive at the present day of marriage equality and the White House lit up in rainbow colors for Pride. While our society may not be fully inclusive of LGBT people, our government is much more open than it was in the past.

Date Recorded: 10/18/2016

Duration: 91 minutes

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Could You Already Be a FIPNet Partner? Bringing National Recognition to Local Projects


  • Cindy Etkin, Senior Program Planning Specialist, Office of the Superintendent of Documents, GPO

This session will present an overview of the Federal Information Preservation Network, including a review of a sample memorandum of agreement and examples of what FIPNet partnership opportunities can look like. It will also include a panel of current and potential preservation stewards and FIPNet partners.

Date Recorded: 10/18/2016

Duration: 53 minutes

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Stay Young at Heart / Mantén Tu Corazón Joven: Bilingual Resources for an Aging Population


  • Jane Canfield, Federal Documents Coordinator, Biblioteca Encarnación Valdés, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico

The population age 65 and over numbered 44.7 million in 2013, an increase of 24.7% since 2003. Persons reaching age 65 have an average life expectancy of an additional 19.3 years (http://www.aoa.gov/Aging_Statistics/Profile/). The diversity of the aging population is also increasing. In 2012, of those age 65 and older, 20.7% were from minority groups. This number is expected to be 39.1% by 2050 according to the US Census Bureau. These statistics indicate a need for more information for the senior population and more information for minority groups and speakers of other languages.

This bilingual presentation will provide statistics on the aging population and focus on government resources available to meet the needs of the aging population. Resources covered will include social security, Medicare, health and mental health, employment and educational opportunities and will also focus on resources available to speakers of other languages. Tips will be provided for working with this population of users

Date Recorded: 10/18/2016

Duration: 78 minutes

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LSCM Update / Open Forum


  • Laurie Hall, Acting Superintendent of Documents, GPO
  • Robin Haun-Mohamed, Chief, Outreach & Support, Library Services & Content Management, GPO
  • Anthony D. Smith, Chief, Projects and Systems, Library Services & Content Management, GPO
  • Fang Gao, Chief, Library Technical Services, Library Services & Content Management, GPO

In this two-part session, first, join GPO for an update of major projects and initiatives under way to support the Federal Depository Library Program and Cataloging & Indexing Program in Library Services & Content Management. The second portion of the session will be open for Q&A with LSCM Chiefs and Managers.

Date Recorded: 10/18/2016

Duration: 74 minutes

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To Weed or Not to Weed: Managing an Electronic Collection


  • Elizabeth Psyck, Government Documents Librarian, Mary Idema Pew Library, Grand Valley State University

As more and more government information is made available digitally, your catalog is bound to accumulate a lot of records. Some of these are for items that are still of great interest to your users. Others are things that you would weed if they were in paper or microfiche. Should you "weed" those records? This presentation will demonstrate one library's process of examining the issue and deciding what to do with those electronic catalog records.

Providing Open Access to Government Information Federal Technical Reports (TRAIL)


  • Laura Sare, Government Information Librarian, Evans Library, Texas A&M University
  • Sinai Wood, Associate Professor, Documents Librarian, Baylor University

Celebrate the Technical Report Archive & Image Library’s (TRAIL) 10th Anniversary and learn about our commitment to open access of federal technical reports and our collaborative effort in saving at-risk government information.

Date Recorded: 10/18/2016

Duration: 73 minutes

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A Shared Obsession with Congress: Libraries, Archives, and the “Y” of it All


  • Danielle Emerling, Assistant Curator, Congressional and Political Papers, West Virginia University and Member, Society of American Archivists Congressional Papers Roundtable (SAA-CPR)
  • Jay Wyatt, Director of Programs & Research, Robert C. Byrd Center for Legislative Studies, Shepherd University, and President of the Association of Centers for the Study of Congress (www.congresscenters.org)
  • Gwen Sinclair, Head of Government Documents & Maps, University of Hawai’i at Manoa Library

What happens when depository librarians look beyond our SuDoc “Y” collections? Are the real gems of Congressional information filed in archival boxes or in the open stacks of depository libraries? In every state, Congressional archives are the perfect complement to federal depository libraries. As documents librarians learn about local Members of Congress and their papers, we can bring increased focus to our own collection development, LibGuides, reference, and instruction. In this session, two Congressional papers archivists and a government documents librarian share their unique perspectives. How can our continued conversations about Congressional information enhance the relevance and reach of the FDLP?

Date Recorded: 10/18/2016

Duration: 99 minutes

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Downsizing Your Depository: Dealing with Mandates from Your Administration


  • Christopher C. Brown, Reference Librarian, Main Library, University of Denver

An increasing number of depository libraries are under pressure to downsize their collections, very often with mandates with unreasonable time constraints. This presentation focuses on the tools and strategies possible to cut down on items received going forward, as well as the more difficult topic of what to do with our expansive legacy collections.

Date Recorded: 10/18/2016

Duration: 88 minutes

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Regional Meeting

Meeting of regional coordinators.

Date Recorded: 10/18/2016

Duration: 86 minutes

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WEDNESDAY, October 19, 2016

DLC Meeting and FDL Conference Wrap-up

A review and discussion of conference activities and any action items for Council.

Date Recorded: 10/19/2016

Duration: 72 minutes

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