LSCM GitHub Repositories Webcast Series
Library Services & Content Management uses GitHub, the web-based computer source code sharing and publishing service, to offer resources based on the bibliographic records in the U.S. Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) to Federal depository libraries. In this webcast series, Library Technical Services (LTS) staff introduce the goals of our GitHub program, and the MARC record sets and other files that are available in our repositories. In an upcoming webcast, LTS staff will describe the American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Subject-Based Resources Collection of the CGP on GitHub repository
- Overview (8 min, recorded 4/4/2024)
Speaker: Stephen Kharfen, Supervisory Librarian, Library Technical Services, LSCM, GPO
- Historically Black Colleges and University(HBCU) Subject-Based Resources (6 min, recorded 6/13/2024)
Speaker: Celeste Welch, PhD, Technical Services Librarian, Library Technical Services, LSCM, GPO
List of LSCM GitHub Repositories: