Titles Eligible for Discard

GPO will post titles eligible for discard on the Regional Discards Project Page, and announce new titles via FDLP News & Events. Titles eligible for discard meet the following requirements:

  1. Are available on govinfo, or from the digital repository of a Digital Preservation Steward or Federal agency partner, in a format that meets the standards of the Superintendent of Documents as verifiably authentic
  2. Have been retained by the regional for at least 5 years
  3. Have a minimum of four geographically-dispersed Preservation Stewards committing to permanent retention

Preparing to Submit a Request for Approval to Discard

  1. Download the Eligible Titles spreadsheet found on the Regional Discards Project Page.
  2. Edit the spreadsheet so it only includes those items you wish to discard, deleting the rows for items you intend to retain. Save the spreadsheet.
  3. Depository coordinator submits an askGPO request.
    • Category: Other depository library question or issue
    • Upload spreadsheet
  4. Once a Superintendent of Documents decision has been made, GPO will notify your library of our response to your request to discard regional FDLP material. If your request is denied, rationale will be provided.
  5. Once approval to discard is received, upload the saved spreadsheet to FDLP eXchange for review by your selectives and to offer nationally. Spreadsheets should be uploaded to FDLP eXchange as soon as possible after authorization is received, as authorization will expire after 90 days.

Tips for uploading to FDLP eXchange:

  • The Eligible Titles Spreadsheet is eXchange-ready. When editing, delete the rows containing the items you do not want to discard and add each item’s condition. Do not make any other changes. Otherwise, you might have trouble uploading the spreadsheet into eXchange
  • Uploading your discard list to FDLP eXchange for both selective and national review is required for Regional Discards. Make sure that your account is set up for National Needs and Offers by checking the appropriate box in your eXchange account.
  • For assistance, please contact [email protected]