GPO to Resume Regular Distribution of FDLP Shipments

  • Last Updated: December 15, 2021
  • Published: December 15, 2021

During the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, Library Services and Content Management’s (LSCM) Distribution team held all FDLP shipments to Federal depository libraries at GPO’s Laurel Distribution Facility. In July of 2020, shipments resumed for libraries able to accept shipments. Library staff informed GPO of their library’s operating status via our Library Status Form. Since then, libraries have been able to update their operational status and have shipments held when circumstances changed.

Beginning January 10, 2022, LSCM’s distribution staff will resume a normal distribution schedule. FDLs with shipments held at the Laurel warehouse since March of 2020, and who have NOT communicated with GPO about their situation to make special arrangements, will begin to receive their shipments. Shipments will begin with separates from 2020 and 2021, followed by all other shipments held since last year.

A separate communication will be sent to all libraries that have materials at GPO, to include the number of boxes held. Please contact us through askGPO with any questions or to discuss your library’s individual situation.