2005 Congressional Record Daily Digest Archive Available

  • Last Updated: December 31, 1969
  • Published: April 20, 2005

A full-document archive of 2005 Congressional Record Daily Digests is now available on GPO Access GPO's Federal Digital System (FDsys).

The Daily Digest of the Congressional Record serves as a table of contents for the House and Senate actions reported in the issue and for statements published in the Extensions of Remarks of the Congressional Record. The Daily Digest begins with highlights of the day's action, followed by a summary for the Senate and a summary for the House. Each summary includes such items as measures introduced, reported or passed, as well as measures under consideration. Each entry references the Senate or House page number where the item is reported.

The Daily Digest also includes a list of committee meetings held that day and scheduled for the following day; the schedule for the next meeting of each chamber, and a list of Extensions of Remarks inserted in that issue. Pages are numbered equentially throughout the session of Congress.

Links have been modified to point to FDsys, not GPO Access.